The Bible says "as a man thinks, so is he" (Proverbs 23:7).

To me, mental health is the words we speak and the words we hear.

Words create neural pathways in the brain that create a thought pattern. 

We don't read or hear in words, but in pictures.  If i say DOG, you don't hear it as D.O.G but you see a mental picture of a dog.  That's why words are mental pictures and how you think are pictures in your mind.

Another way of looking at thinking is meditating.  So when you're thinking, you're meditating.

Another word for meditating  is imagining. So if I say DOG you could imagine a small little cute puppy or a massive aggresive dog that can hurt you - generally formed from your past experience which has created an image in your mind.

How we should really be dealing with mental and emotional health is focusing on changing the pictures in our mind.  We can't pretend anxiety and stress and emotion don't exist.  To suppress is counter intuitive and goes against the laws of the body.  However we can change those neural pathways by creating new pictures of the same words and change the pathway of thought.

It is such a big topic with many parts that can't all be addressed at once.
Inner healing will come when we address each part step by step, such as inner vows, emotional abuse etc. 

 Even though it's a big topic, the answer is BIGGER and BETTER than the topic and it's exciting to investigate and recover all that overwhelms!!

Here is a fabulous video helping us to take the steps to recover.

Steps through Anxiety