When it comes to restoring health, digestion is where we start. I mean, think about it: if your digestion isn't up to par, all those fancy diets and lifestyle changes won't do much for you. So, it's essential to give your digestion some love.
When we hear digestion, most of us go in our minds to the gut. We think probiotics or even how to have a good poop 💩💩! They are actually only step 3 or 4 in the process.
Step 1 in digestion starts at the top. Smelling and CHEWING food is where it starts. They are like the parents of digestion.
The golden child of good digestion is what I’m sharing about here. Even though it’s only step 2, it’s definitely like the secret weapon, but also for tackling all sorts of health issues. the ones you wouldn't expect, like acne or hormonal imbalances.
Now, here's a little myth-buster for you: contrary to popular belief, most people don't have too much stomach acid. It’s the other way round. Most people actually have too little stomach acid. True story!! If you think you've got an acid overload, chances are it's a (1) weakened sphincter muscle letting acid escape, (2) an overgrowth of pathogens, or (3) not allowing the stomach to rest therefore food sits there and starts to ferment because it’s too full. Your stomach is SUPPOSED to be acidic! The sphincter muscle keeps the acid in! So it’s not too much acid, just acid getting out. So antacids are NOT the answer.
People are hosing the fire instead of shutting the gate. If you’re taking antacids you are weakening your immune system,
Stomach acid, also known as hydrochloric acid or HCl, is drastically depleted when you're overly stressed, eating too many processed carbs, lacking minerals and nutrients, dealing with allergies, or hitting the stomach a bit too hard with outside workload (alcohol, meds etc). When you don't have enough HCl, it can cause all sorts of trouble.
Without adequate stomach acid, your body struggles to fight off pathogens and doesn't break down food properly. Food hangs out in your stomach for way longer than it should, (like a party that gets out of hand) and all that fermenting and putrefying leads to rancid activity.
There's another thing to consider: are you a gulper? Some people unknowingly swallow a ton of air when they eat or drink, and that can make the situation even worse.
Do you chew gum? The mechanic of chewing sends a signal down the digestive tract to let the rest of the digestive team know food is coming. When you chew gum and no food follows, hydrochloric acid is released and has nothing to break down except the stomach lining, as well as using It unnecessarily.
This is when you start experiencing not-so-fun things like heartburn, burping, bloating, cramps, gas, constipation, diarrhea, food sensitivities, autoimmune and even dry skin, skin issues, hair loss, weight issues and chronic fatigue. Gout, joint pain, inflammation, teeth and gum issues could also have their root in your stomach. Emotions like sadness as well. These all could be contributing factors to other illnesses.
All these symptoms are like little messages from your digestive system, screaming for help. They can either send the warning signal up (burps and heartburn) or down (gas and bloating!).
So you have to ask the important question, how’s my stomach acid?
To get your digestion back on track, it's crucial to understand the importance of Stomach acid, and it’s priority ABOVE other gut protocols. (Always remember the body works in step by step processes and systems. Its usually the system before where the symptom is that’s initiated the domino effect).
Start by reducing the external forces squeezing HCI out by making some changes to your diet, embracing a healthier, stress-less lifestyle. Maybe even trying out some HCI supplements, use organic baking soda, more herbs and spices, buy digestive bitters, lemon in water, Apple Cider vinegar, eat an alkaline diet. REST! Ginger is brilliant and a very good option is Manuka Honey UMF20+. See blog on Better Digestion to reduce the work load.
If you're dealing with ongoing digestive issues, contact me as it’s a good idea to chat regarding testing your stomach acid level, and talking to someone who understands and cares to support you with personalised guidance.
So, there you have it! Taking care of your digestion, by looking at your stomach acid will help you be well on your way to achieving all your health goals!
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